Sunday, March 2, 2014

Free Flowing.

God IS. I am that I am. First and foremost. Selah, take a minute and meditate on that.

This is me trying to explain the unexplainable. <----And that's something I'm OKAY with. He is unexplainable but yet He is comprehensible/knowable.

God is nature. Nature is everything: from plants, to bugs, to animals, to humans, to the universe. We are God expressing Himself as ourselves. God is natural law/principles of life. There is a natural order/harmony to things and God is that natural order and harmony. When that harmony is disrupted, chaos ensues. The natural harmony of things can be disrupted and almost always is by human behavior or disobedience to natural law (God).

God is not a person. He's better described as Spirit or Energy that permeates all creation. He is not necessarily a he, she, or it. He just is. I honestly and simply use He because that's what I'm used to (Heavenly Father). He cannot be moved by human rituals, sacrifice, worship, prayer. He is personal in that He resides in all of us and to look in the face of anyone or anything in the earth is to look in the face of God. He's impersonal in that He's not a person and He isn't capricious. He doesn't change, He is the same forever in the sense of natural law. The earth may grow and evolve, but the law of God remains firm forever.

He is imprinted into all of us---we are made in His image as humans. We're made in His image and we have to choose to live according to His ways or to choose our own way which results in rebellion and disharmony. In Him, we live, we move, and we have our being. In us, God lives, moves, and expresses His being. We know God by studying what's around us. Studying science, observing nature, studying human/animal behavior, etc. Philosophy and religion have their place and do give us a better idea of how people think of God and the world, but I prefer to stick with what can't be denied first. What we walk on is undeniable. Studying how this earth works and walking in that natural order is how we get to know God and how we experience life, even eternal life.

Life now (the present) matters more than afterlife. No matter what happens after we die, live according to divine/natural laws/principles with compassion for earthlings and you will have done all we're expected or meant to do. Live and love. To live well is to die well. Death of loved ones remind us to make our lives worth something while we still have breath in our bodies. Live and practice now, not for tomorrow, but for today.

From the book Siddhartha by Herman Hesse: "In contemplating the river, Siddhartha has a revelation: Just as the water of the river flows into the ocean and is returned by rain, all forms of life are interconnected in a cycle without beginning or end. Birth and death are all part of a timeless unity. Life and death, joy and sorrow, good and evil are all parts of the whole and are necessary to understand the meaning of life."

A wise man once said: the primary purpose of life is to end suffering. There are things in life that give joy, but he pointed out that none of them last and our attachment to them only causes more suffering. His teachings were focused entirely on this problem of suffering and its solution.

I agree with that. This is where I'm about to really start flowing freely.

I'm not concerned about gaining merit for an afterlife, rebirth, etc.

I do good because it's ingrained in my heart. I do good because it's right. By whose standards you may ask? My own. What's wrong with that? My parents taught me how to act. I'm thankful for their way of raising me. I do good because I want to be treated the same way-good! That's a natural law. What you sow is what you reap, someway, somehow. I do good because that's the least I can do to have a great quality of life and to help others do the same. Everyone is deserving of life and love. That's why I do good - to give everyone I come into contact with both life and love. It's an innate desire to do right by myself and others.

Cessation, emptiness, and non-attachment: Let it all go, then you will have peace. That's my goal. Happiness and peace is the journey, not the destination.

“When someone seeks," said Siddhartha, "then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal, because he is obsessed with his goal. Seeking means: having a goal. But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal.”

I have no end goal in mind except for making sure I carry out this life that I've been given by God in a manner that honors and loves God, everyone around me, and lastly myself.

If you're wondering what God I'm talking about, go back to the beginning. If you're still wondering who I'm referring to, look inside, sit in silence, and listen until you find Him.

"The time is right, I'm going to pack my bags and take that journey down the road. Cuz' over the mountain I see the bright sun shining and I want to live inside the glow...I wanna go to Beautiful...Please understand that it's not that I don't care, but right now these walls are closing in on me. I love you more than I love life itself, but I need to find a place where I can breathe..."

This is my journey to Beautiful.

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