Friday, March 28, 2014

Old Debate, Gentle Reminder.

Can religious theory be made into scientific theory? Very interesting documentary. Old news I'm sure because this has been a hotly debated topic for years but it amazes me how little people really understand evolution. It amazed me how little I knew and understood about it myself. For 150 plus years and counting evolution theory has been tested. And to be perfectly clear, theory in science doesn't mean a guess, a wish, a hope, or belief like we all normally think of the word. Theory in the scientific community means a detailed, well tested explanation of how something works. Facts make up that theory. Even gravity is a "theory." We have to be more knowledgeable before we jump to conclusions. If we close ourselves off to either side and refuse to hear arguments and see presentations on these sorts of issues out of fear, religious belief, ignorance, and even outright hatred of anything different from your point of view, we close ourselves off to future scientific exploration and innovation that we need to continue to survive in this ever changing and evolving world. I'm sorry but #ScienceRocks. There's no hard core scientifically proven evidence that supports creationism. The only thing that supports it is the Bible and how we feel about ourselves (human superiority) and how we perceive what we see in the world (there must be a creator and bigger purpose). Those things are fine within their own context but within modern science, not so much. Those feelings may drive scientific research but always end up coming short if the one doing research isn't open to overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Be free and be open, but always have a foundational sense of love/respect, service, and wonder. #justmytwocents

Watch this video. Awesome documentary!

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